2025 status-to-be : Single Pro Max Ultra :p - Fri , 15/11/2024 -
Hi! (•◡•)
Welcome to District'15.
I'm the mistress, Farahin.
Jan '96 is my sacred date.
I think and feel too much.
So I write. Feel free to
navigate around. Thank you
for coming ya.

From Patient To You

Posted by ELFarahin | On January 25, 2025 | | 1 comment:

Bismillah . Assalamualaikum ,

Last January 22 , I had my second therapy session . The time spent was just about maybe 40 minutes , shorter than time spent from first session . The therapy was dismissed earlier because I was in stable condition , unlike when I attended the first session . This second session surely went smoother than the first one for me .

During the second session , I spoke calmer than before . My mind was clearer and my thoughts were pretty organized too . Thin tears and trembling voice did show up each time I felt slightly overwhelming with emotions . There were a few moments where I had to confront my inner critics while sharing my good thoughts with the therapist .

What I earned the most from this second session is validation . I was validated by my therapist about how I have high self awareness and enough coping mechanism to cope with my depression and anxiety . It is a lie to say this validation is not meaningful to me . I might do reading and self-learning to raise my understanding and awareness about mental health issue , mainly related to my mental illness . However , validation from professionals do matter just to make sure I have gained proper knowledge .

Here so me tonight is to share a few pebbles I have in my hand which might be helpful for you now or later . At first , I thought to make this sharing mainly 'from patient to patient' . But I had second thought later , I want to make this sharing is 'from patient to you' . I am the mentioned patient and you are whoever might need these pebbles .

Have you ever knew about taboo words to say to people who are going through depression or anxiety ? Whoever says these taboo words will be labeled as 'red flag' instantly . However , I just recently understand these taboo words differently . From patient to you , I will highlight common three ( the so called ) taboo words and how I perceive it based on my personal understanding .

( 1 ) " Be Positive " ; Of course , I agree that be positive or thinking about positive matters can't make us move on from depression or anxiety instantly . However , there is something magical about think positively . At least one positive thought , it will create little sparks of reconnection impulse in our brain . We will think and feel better from time to time . When I was at edge , usually I would kept at least this thought at back of my head , " Nothing last forever . This is just temporary . "

( 2 ) " Touching grass " ; This line used to get on my nerves . As if my struggle to move around was dismissed . Turns out , I felt so because I missed the real meaning of this line . Touching grass is not about meet people , go out , and see the sun , like we usually think . Actually , it is about reactivating sensory system ; smell , taste , touch , sight , and hearing . The least stimulation we experience , the more intense the numb we feel . I'm still struggling to practice touching grass too . I can hardly leave my room .

( 3 ) " Be grateful " ; Receiving these words do make us feel like the bad guy . As if our hardships are too little and unburdenning . From my deeper understanding , be grateful is not about belittle our difficulties . It is about growing sense of feeling satisfaction and achievement . It is about be in the present , give gratitude to what we still have and can do . Lately , I found happiness from tidying up my bed after waking up and before I went to bed ( feeling like preparing bed for a princess haha )

In any case , we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves . We shouldn't push our energy beyond the limit . It is common to feel weak when we are too ill . Don't force ourselves to act tough . It is not up to us to recover from flu but our body system . All we can do are to take medicine and extra rest . Same thing goes to mental health . Do what we can . While that , hold on the awareness we have gained .

Do you still remember that we were given one same title for writing test ? Yet each student wrote different story . Aren't that amazing ? Aren't that says a lot about us ? Not everyone speak our language . Not everyone thinking the way we do . Not everyone need more understanding and awareness as much as we do . So hold on the worth and meaning of those lame lines rather the words . Same view , different perspective .

I am a person who functions with details . The more I know , the higher my awareness , the more meaningful that something to me . When science says " Family support does matter " , I break it with " I need people who know how and can support me " . When poet says " It is like have demon in the head " , I break it with " I make friend with enemy ( turns out it is never an enemy ) " . Here when taboo words are spreading , I dig into deeper meaning and different understanding that makes me feel better .

My writing was never short . The words overflew and I end up writing both diary and thoughts on same page . While I keep going with word by word , my heart and brain breathe with relief . It is mesmerizing how writing can make me feel so much . This person has lots of unsay thoughts and feelings . This person has lots to say but writing is more likely her best language . Until here then , see you in later post . Nite nite

Same title , Different story .


Through The Night

Posted by ELFarahin | On December 26, 2024 | | 1 comment:

When starlight cross the night
When my soul lost its light
To not have you by my side
Our love used to be right

When moonlight shy away darkness
When dream has its form the brightest
I see glimpse of you in thick mist
Our love used to be right
Now I cry it all through the night

When your smile warmed my heart
When your touch floated my soul
I saw us rowing boat to heaven
Our love used to be right
Now I am the angel who has fallen



Ini Sebabnya Tak Dapat Follow Blog

Posted by ELFarahin | On December 23, 2024 | | 8 comments:

Bismillah . Assalamualaikum ,

Bukan sekali . Bukan dua kali . Bukan juga tiga kali . Dah banyak kali jadi , bila Farahin nak follow blog other bloggers , mesti dapat pop up notification yang kata Farahin tak boleh follow tersebut . Farahin sangkakan internet yang lagging atau sistem blogspot yang error . Rupa-rupanya bukan itu masalahnya .

Memandangkan Farahin tak boleh follow blog other bloggers dengan tekan button follow , Farahin cuba cara manual . Pergi ke reading list , klik manage , dan cuba add link blog yang Farahin nak follow . Kali ni pun Farahin dapat notification lagi , "you cannot follow more than 200 blogs" Ehh sejak bila blogspot jadi kedekut ni ?

Blog Farahin ni dah sedekad matang usianya . Dah banyak kali tukar nama . Dah banyak kali tukar template dan edit design . Dah banyak perubahan dari segi penulisan . List blog yang Farahin dah follow pun 2000+ blogs . Sekarang limit boleh follow 200 blogs saja , serius kedekut .

Tapi no choice lah . Kite terima saja sistem baru ni . Farahin pun perasan dah banyak sangat blog yang dah bertahun-tahun lamanya tak aktif . Elok Farahin unfollow saja blogs ni . Tabahkan je lah nak semak sebiji-sebiji . 2000+ blogs kot . Semalam pun dapat setel 10 blogs je huuu

Maka disarankan sangat tinggalkan link awak okey . 
Bolehlah Farahin dan bloggers lain datang jenguk sekali sekala


Giveaway by Ejulz 2024

Posted by ELFarahin | On December 22, 2024 | | 3 comments:

Bismillah . Assalamualaikum ,

Tiba-tibe terfikir , dah masuk akhir tahun ni agaknya ada ke blogger yang buat giveaway atau segmen ? Daripada hasil carian google , terserempaklah Farahin dengan Giveaway by Ejulz 2024 ni . Nampak menarik . Ada tuah , prize pun best . Eh tiba-tiba teringin pula kite nak join .

Syarat-syarat untuk join giveaway ni pun mudah-mudah saja . Tak pening . Tak spoil mood pun . Paling utama mesti follow blog Ejulz . Simple je kan . Biar tak nampak berapa kosong post ni , nah Farahin tampal bukti yang kite ni konfem one of the followers .

Bloggers yang terkenan nak join juga giveaway ni , yang dah lama tak meriahkan blog dengan event giveaway dan segmen macam Farahin , dipersilakan klik banner ohsemm kat atas tu . Deadline dah tak lama ni , ngam setel pada 31 Disember 2024 ni . Kena join cepat ! Ahjommm


What Did The Therapist Say ?

Posted by ELFarahin | On December 22, 2024 | | 2 comments:

Bismillah . Assalamualaikum ,

Hello , owlies ! I'm back , as promised . Hmm if you read my previous blog post , I did mention about that I have back to therapy now . I just had my first session last Tuesday . I felt very nervous the moment I woke up on that day . I even skipped my lunch and attended the session with empty stomach .

The session started with I was asked to answer DASS test , sure not a new thing to me . The result was as expected too in which I got maximum mark for Depression and Anxiety . Meanwhile the mark for Stress showed as less severe , neared to medium level . Here , the real therapy session begun .

The session lasted for about an hour and half . There was no moment my eyes didn't holding back tears yet the tears eventually fell . I was choking in between words I tried to utter . There were times silence lingered in the room but not my sobbing . Skip the long chat I had with the therapist , here in my tonight's post , I would like to share what did my therapist say from our first session and what I think about it , as much as I can remember .

"Saya guna term awak , (tak ada) emotional drive . Ni sebenarnya awak demotivated ." I acknowledge this opinion . This is exactly how I have been feeling for one whole year now . I can hardly feel and want to start things . I don't have desire to really chase certain things in my life . I feel stuck and don't feel like to go anywhere . I have lost my emotional drive .

"Uish , awak masak . Ni maknanya awak masih ada rasa nak give something to someone , be considerate . Ayah awak ." Here he pointed out the little good thing that I have never seen so , giving something . I have been growing the thought from time to time that I am a burden and useless , have nothing good to offer .

"Tempat tidur okay kan . Awak masih boleh tidur . (Tempat tidur) bersih ." The love-hate relationship I have with my room is endless . It is the worst and most shameful place in the house and sure I forbids anyone entrance . Only after his point , I came to realize that I still can keep my bed comfortable , still aware of my personal needs .

"Benda (motivation) ni sebenarnya mula daripada minat . Apa yang kita suka ." This is THE POINT . I am a person who does thing by emotional drive . I do things that I feel good about ; before , during , and after . What made me keep going during study ? What made me seeking job and going to work ? What made me start joining dropship ? I felt good . I liked what I do . Sadly , not anymore . Not now .

"Awak keluar ke bandar . Just untuk aktifkan sensory . Ni membantu juga . Tengok orang . Touching grass ." Sensory reactivation . My mind was clicked the moment 'sensory' was mentioned . Those little information related to mental health and nervous system I had read started appearing . Now 'touching grass' doesn't seem dull in my head . I do need to go out , even just for nothing .

"Awak ni okay . Masih okay . Awak masih ada motivation . Cuma kena polish lagi ." Really ? I'm not as brave as I used to anymore . I feel fear very often , most of the time . I even decided to cut ties I have for emotions and memories , out of feeling constant pain to want deep connection plus moving on from separation . Missing someone special is heartbreaking , and with that many years had passed .

"Saya cadangkan awak teruskan , buat je apa yang awak buat sekarang ." Is this okay ? The way he said the line was quite comforting , as if these little things I have done which never feel enough to me and made me ask my worth , are actually helping in someway . Is this really okay ? I am struggling to feel such , yet I am still wise to agree . I still can do .

"Session kita ni tak payah formal . Santai je ." Such simple words sounded really intentional to my hearing . I started realizing how I usually functioned quite formal or half casual when I attended therapy session in the past . I tried to act friendly as if I was breaking the awkwardness I felt but actually the act was more likely one of survival mode , to not receive bad impression or cause the other feeling bad . I well known how very tall and thick my wall is .

It would be lie if I didn't have thin tears in my eyes while writing this . Remembering all this kind words I had received is like rubbing medicine on wounds . It stings and I endure the sharp , burning pain . How much hurt I have caused to myself ? How severe the wounds I carry all this time have become ? How weak and sick I am now ? I feel very sad and sorry for myself .

I wonder if I still can write in a few days later . If I still have thoughts and feelings to write about . If I still can write with proper words , without tangled thoughts . I am grateful that I still like writing , a way for me to express myself . I have left my diary unwritten for a very long time . At least , I still want to come back here and feeling the ease in my heart while writing . Until here then . Good night . 

Receiving kindness can feel like burning pain while having medicine rubbing on wounds .



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