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I'm the mistress, Farahin.
Jan '96 is my sacred date.
I think and feel too much.
So I write. Feel free to
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Terima Kasih Blogger Nazurah!

Posted by ELFarahin | On January 08, 2013 | |
Woot woot! Sedang Farahin sibuk menyusun homework atas bed, suddenly,
"Tin Tin! Tin Tin!"
Emak buka pintu, "Mak Cik! Farahin Farahin!"
While me in my room talked to my heart, Bwo? Me? muehehee...hadiah ke teww.
Then tidak lama selepas itu,
"Farahin! Ada barang. Pos laju Pos laju!"- Emak
lol. Mak pun cakap dah macam abang pos laju. hohhoo.
Farahin keluar dari bilik and turun tangga sambil tersengih.
Woww! Besaq! Novel apa kah?
Lari masuk bilik then kasi rabak bungkusan selo-selo. muehehehe.
Fuyhh! Cover gempak seyh! Terasa aura adventure di situ.
Okeyh. Let's try to read it.
Proloq:-ups! blurr sikit.
So continued to Cheritera 1.
Wink Wink! I loike it so much!

Sorry, quality of the picture was low. Well, guna khidmat camera netbook 1M lah katakan. Anyway, Terima kasih blogger Nazurah! I won Fatini's ga and got novel which sponsored by Nazurah. Wee~ Farahin done Cheritera 1(Bab 1). Terbantut Farahin punya homework. Kehkehkeh. Tapi this novel really great! Its talked about The Trust To Allah SWT. Yes. That's what a muslim need to do. No matter what, don't ever stop trust and believe to him. Anything impossible to us, He will make it possible.

Once again, Thankyu Blogger Nazurah! Alhamdulillah. Hadiah sudah sampai! huhu.

p/s: nak kena godeh-2 older mesej di cbox. look for Nazurah's message. huhu

Jom ke blog Nazurah!


  1. waaa., tahniah~ ^^

  2. Amboi,, cepatnya bukak. Hehe. Nak mintak maaf sebab tak tepati janji untuk hntar kepada awak dalam masa seminggu. Tercari-cari novel tu tp alhamdullilah akhirnya jumpa. Semoga awak enjoy baca novel tersebut :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @Syaza Nazurah Tak apa. Yang penting sudah pun sampai pada saya. Pandai awak pilih. Terima kasih ya ^^



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