
Hola! Apa khabar kengkawan semua?
Ya Allah what a celebration when Farahin dapat conteng2 dekat blog ni.
Hectic sangat dengan final year project.
Sampai supervisor pun sanggup stay dekat office till night
demi student dia yang slow seorang ni.
Nak nangis rasa bila jumpa supervisor semalam.
Muka ketat, jantung debo, Farahin lah tu.
Tapi dia rilek2 je. Cakap pun elok2 je. Sempat borak lagi.
I was like, Ya Allah! Baiknya sv aku ni. Terharu sangat.
Actually, I was done with everything cuma
tengah siap2 nak pergi binding then pergi ofis sv.
But then he messaged said that,
datang ambil sign je pun boleh...nanti sambung buat.
Jadi tak fikir banyak, grab everything, every document,
then berdezuppp pergi ofis sv.
I binded my report after went back from his office.
Well, susah hati pula biar sv tunggu lama2 kan
even actually memang dah lama betul.
Apapun, just this morning I submitted all the documents to faculty.
Alhamdulillah. Lega sikit rasa. Even after that
ada presentation which I didn't study anything for it.
Because why? Because semalam pukul 11 pun dah shut down atas katil.
Farahin tak tidur semalaman kot.
I guess it was already more than 24 hours I was awake.
Pagi ni bangun pun memang kepala, badan still rasa berat.
After all, Alhamdulillah report fyp dah submit.
Tinggal presentation next week.
Minta dipermudahkan semuanya, Inshaallah.
Till here, thank you for reading this.
I'll be back. See you soon.
xoxo =)
We're not born to be paranoid but curious.
Hypothesis is accepted?
Good luck untuk presentation awak. Jangan stress sangat tau and of course you need rest. Your hard work will pay off
ReplyDelete@Khairinakhdin thank you for a sweet advice :)
ReplyDeleteSemoga Farahin dipermudahkan segala urusan..
ReplyDeleteAll the best to you once again..
@I am LZ Amiin. Thank you =)
ReplyDeletewas fyp that hard? TT^TT im so scared because i will do the same next semester. anyway hopefully you can go well with your fyp! ^^ goodluck!
ReplyDeleteGood luck! Saya pun ada presentation minggu depan and hopefully semua final projeck saya dapat siap secepat mungkin :)
ReplyDeleteGood Luck for your presentation. :)
ReplyDelete@Lisa Han it's not that hard. but because i have other assignments and stuffs to handle somehow those gave me hard time. even now haha. anw, good luck for your fyp! just do what you confident with and take any respond positively :)
ReplyDelete@Zakiah Akma aww me too! good luck untuk presentation awak jugak =)
ReplyDelete@Mardhiyyah Rosli it's done already. mini projects left huhu =')