2025 status-to-be : Single Pro Max Ultra :p - Fri , 15/11/2024 -
Hi! (•◡•)
Welcome to District'15.
I'm the mistress, Farahin.
Jan '96 is my sacred date.
I think and feel too much.
So I write. Feel free to
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Buzzy Lazy

Posted by ELFarahin | On December 19, 2018 | |
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Hello, peeps! How're you feeling these days?
Me? Clearly as mentioned in the title, I am buzzy lazy.
I'm busy. But also lazy at the same time. Lmao

This whole week, it's a kind of holiday. Because all my classes are done so there will be no lectures or labs anymore. However, next week will be kind of nerve wrecking. All presentations and report submission for mini projects will be due. Yet still, here me sneaking out from the hellish student's life and being scratchy scratchy on my blog. Hehe. There are still a lot more to be done but I just don't feel to switch my robot mode on.

Okay. Let's not talk about those mini projects and their fella reports. I'm here mean to have fun and being lazy. Let me tell you a story of a young officer aka Leftenan Muda Nurfarahin. Yeah, me. It was a two weeks old story though. Hahahaha

So, two weeks ago, on Wednesday, supposed I was on duty to take care of the morning role call and evening training. Unfortunately, I read my timetable wrong so I was absent during that morning role call. Just at the evening, I noticed my mistake. While that time, the evening training already started about 45 minutes ago.

Yes. I was at fault. I was clumsy. I was at blame. And for anyone who make mistake, guess it's normal to feel nervous for some reasons. So did I. I was thinking either should I just skipped the evening training and let the other young officer who volunteered to replace me that day. But I remembered one thing, all the way me went back to my dorm from a talk that I attended, I remembered my parent used to asked when will I on duty? Have I started my duty?

Somehow, remembering those questions putted my mind to sane. If I skipped that evening training, that would be a disappointment to my parent. Not just that. It will shows an immature and irresponsible me as a young officer. Obviously, not a good image for the trainees.

At last, I sped up to my room and changed my clothes and ran down again to the training place. I was an hour late since the training started. And I only had at least 45 minutes left for my duty. Anyway, I patted myself for my decision. It wasn't that big but I knew I did something right. Sometimes, we don't have that opportunity to make things back to right but we can stop it from being a bigger mistake. That's what I think. You guys should do so to yourself. Don't blame yourself all the time. Because people make mistakes, young or old no matter. The matter is what we learned from those mistakes.

Till here, guess enough for now.
Thank you for your visit!
Bubye =)

Pain over pain does not works the healing.

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