2025 status-to-be : Single Pro Max Ultra :p - Fri , 15/11/2024 -
Hi! (•◡•)
Welcome to District'15.
I'm the mistress, Farahin.
Jan '96 is my sacred date.
I think and feel too much.
So I write. Feel free to
navigate around. Thank you
for coming ya.

Burden Face

Posted by ELFarahin | On November 16, 2017 | |
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Hey ya! Alamak macam makin kerap pula main conteng2 dekat blog ni. Hehehe
Nak share sikit apa jadi masa kelas pagi tadi. Kelas Web Scripting.
Kelas yang buat Farahin rindu zaman2 aktif jadi blogger. Hahahaha

So masa kelas tadi Farahin and my partner
patutnya present a bit about our mini project to the lecturer.
But then once kita orang dah sampai kat meja dia,
tiba-tiba dia komen macam ni.
"Farahin always have this hardworking...burden...face...something."

Maka bermulalah sembang2 kami berdua.
Sehinggalah Farahin mentioned this,
"Unfortunately, I am an introvert. I don't talk much
but I love to write. I am a blogger."
That's it! I slipped. Hahahahaha

After that, he asked me more
"Oh! You love to write. Then you should try
writing poetry. Do you write poem?"
"Yes, I did!" Again. I slipped! Hahahahaha
Lecturer minta Farahin tunjuk blog Farahin.
It was embarrassing. But actually I love to let he see it. Hehe

Dijadikan cerita Farahin tunjuklah puisi2 tua Farahin.
And he said, "That's many! You should write a book!" Haha
Well, Farahin memang pernah berangan nak jadi penulis dulu.
Lepas tu, he asked me to read one of my poem. Alamak!
Bukan baca bisik tahu. Tapi in front of the class.
I did it! With the whole heart and soul.
Sampai nak menangis sebab feeling sangat dengan puisi tu.

Since someone mentioned about my 'Burden Face',
Farahin mula fikir bila dan kenapa?

When ada orang bergantung kepada Farahin. Sebab Farahin rasa this high of responsibility feel. I take it seriously. I don't play with it. Yes! At negative point, it is a burden. But at positive point, Farahin rasa I am a trustworthy person. So it's actually good!

When I cannot handle the crowd. It's a gifted nature  for some introvert memang tak boleh handle suasana bising. We feel pressure macam belon yang dihimpit dan tunggu masa nak meletup tapi tak tahu bila sebab we try to hold it in as well as we can. Tapi since Farahin sentiasa ajar diri untuk tak terlalu taksub dengan my introvert side dan cuba suaikan diri dengan keadaan, Farahin sometimes good sometimes not bila dalam crowded. Huhu

Setakat ni tu je la yang dapat Farahin fikirkan punca lahirnya 'Burden Face' ni. Hehe
Till then, thank you for your time!
So glad Super Junior.ᴱᴺᵀ masih ada pembaca.
Bubye. See you soon. =)

What you see may not what you actually know.


  1. Siqah tunggu buku puisi Farahin. Mana tahu nanti ada rezeki kuarkan buku sendiri kan :)

    THank you singgah dan komen kat blog. Siqah follow sini. Jemput follow blog jugak :)

  2. @Siqah Hussin Hahaha. Inshaallah. Lama lagi lah kot kalau nak publish buku puisi ni. Anw, terima kasih singgah and follow! =)



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