Alhamdulillah. I'm back to dropship. Do check out my igshop everyone! - Sun, 12/11/2023 -
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Welcome to District'15.
I'm the mistress, Farahin.
Jan '96 is my sacred date.
I think and feel too much.
So I write. Feel free to
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Bye Bye November

Posted by ELFarahin | On November 30, 2023 | |

Bismillah. Assalamualaikum...

Hello, peeps. How're y'all doing? Esok dah jumaat. Excited for weekend? And yeah, esok dah tak jumpa November. Malam ni last. Awalnya rasa macam lambat tapi sekarang know know dah nak akhir tahun. Macam-macam hal jadi. Termasuklah hal-hal yang tak tersangka. Agak-agak mendewasakan ke? From my side, masih tak dapat nak agak ya atau tak. Macam tak. But I think I did learn things. Alhamdulillah

I don't want to overshare. But I still want to share that I've been away from meeting people for a very long time now. Somehow Farahin dah mula rasa macam bebal haha. My interpersonal and empathic skills are rusting. Funny and silly condition. Still, it's a concern for me. Homebody is real. And I've been always one. But now I think I've crossed into a destructive mode. Oh, please! Why I'm very lack of motivation to get out from house? This is unhealthy! Bruh

Berakhirnya November ni, genap jugalah sebulan since Farahin mula come back to dropship. Alhamdulillah. Masih belum jemu dan rasa eksaited nak create daily content. Walaupun ada masa bebal tu lebih sikit, still boleh thinking about promoting. Masih syok membuahkan idea dalam kepala sorang-sorang haha. Ada masa sampai tak boleh tidur. Mata je pejam. Tapi otaknya tak diam. Lalu beta mengalah dan berangan sampai terlelap. Hahahaha

Bebal punya pasal, Farahin banyak menung ya while writing this post. Esok dah bulan baru. Please, Farahin. You need to move and get out. Matahari pun dah tak ingat muka Farahin agaknya. Last Farahin redah crowd mungkin about two weeks ago. Itu pun sekali after weeks juga. Something is just not right with me. I have started overthinking about myself too. Now that menambahkan lagi bebal yang dah ada. Huhu

Until here then. Turns out it's just a plain sharing huh. That's just how bebal I am now. Before letak last fullstop, naklah juga ajak y'all support dropship Farahin. You can find my shop on insta ya [] []. For those yang tak active insta, boleh join katalog kat telegram [Shop By Farah]. Jemput jemputlah scroll malas-malas. Okeylah. See y'all in next post ya. Bye bye

Gratitude grows resilient heart.


  1. happy december! you got this, sis! how about you try take a little walk outside? im pretty sure the sun is missing you right now hahaha. take your time, okie! i wish you could recover! <3

    1. happy december ! thank you for your sweet comment sis. a part of me miss the sun too~ hkshkshaha

  2. Bye-bye November jumpa lagi november tahun hadapan. selamat datang bulan december. Salam singgah yer ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’ช



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