2025 status-to-be : Single Pro Max Ultra :p - Fri , 15/11/2024 -
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I'm the mistress, Farahin.
Jan '96 is my sacred date.
I think and feel too much.
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10 Deep Questions Prompt

Posted by ELFarahin | On December 20, 2024 | |

Bismillah . Assalamualaikum

Hello , cute peeps ! Here me , show up with the very first post of this december haha . Today I come back with prompt thing again . The deep questions are interesting and so I would love to try answer it . To find this kind of prompt thing , you can do searching on pinterest . Quick jump , enjoy your reading !

What are really small things in life that make me happy ?
Small things in life that make me happy are when I receive simple greeting from my favorite persons such as 'good morning' or 'good night' wish . I just like it when my favorite persons show up with reminder or sign that I am still in their mind .

What is my favorite childhood memory ?
My favorite childhood memory is growing up with interest in drawing and coloring , even now . Had my father made mathematic addition and minus homework is also my favorite childhood memory . ( I didn't start my kindergarten yet at that time )

What is my least favorite movie genre and why ?
My least favorite movie genre is typical love story . Anti romantic me find the story is boring and expected . I prefer movie or series drama that serves romance as side story . Love is diverse . I am not interested to stuck at one kind .

Aside from basic necessities , what are three things I couldn't go day without ?
Three things that I couldn't go day without are breathing , music , and safest space ( of course , it is my room ) . Although I often feel unworthy to stay alive , have difficulty to breathe is still inconvenient and feel threatening . 

What is my current proudest achievement ?
I have to convince myself about this matter . My current proudest achievement is that I am back to therapy after one year and plus , surrendered to anxiety and depression that worsen day to day . I have very little courage to help myself now .

What is something about myself I think is uncommon ?
Be myself , something about myself I think is uncommon is I am not easy to follow majority and somewhat causing intentional hardship to myself . Some people will question it . I don't feel necessary to install tiktok . I don't care about missing trend . I do my laundry using hands , spend an hour in the bathroom .

What chore could I go my whole life without doing ?
I can't figure out anything to answer this question . Hmm

What would my dream vacation look like ?
The word 'dream vacation' doesn't make my mind pictures any places , but people I would love to spend quality time together . Have long casual , open , and emotional deep talk , doesn't matter where , I would be the present person .

How do I like to express my appreciation for someone ?
I am not best at expressing my appreciation for someone verbally . It always come in a form of text . It could be handwriting letter or emotional online message . Sometimes I express the appreciation using songs that make me think of them or us .

What is one thing I wish people understand about me ?
One thing I wish people understand about me is that I carry mental illness with me all the time . Sometimes I can't be functional like other normal people and need practical help . It is not special treatment that I demand , but real awareness about mental health issue .

Answering these deep questions was quite calming . The feeling I get is different unlike when answering other previous prompts . Perhaps too , I am in good condition to sort of my mind right now . I believe attended the therapy two days ago does helping too . I am grateful that the first session wasn't a bad experience .

Until here , I promise to come back here again . I just know that I am meant to write hehe . Mind to leave your sweet comment too . See you in next post , sweetie . Bye bye

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